What does being a man mean today?

Regardless of a person’s sexual orientation or gender, identifying with masculinity invites complex challenges and rich rewards. But sometimes we need help navigating our journeys as men.

Dr. Maxwell aims to help young men and men of all ages explore and develop their own relationships to masculine ideas and their impacts on important parts of their lives, including love, family, work, and leisure.

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Dating and relating

Dating is difficult for most people, including most men. Also, dating means different things to different people, perhaps now more than ever. With respect to dating, Dr. Maxwell helps men to:

  • understand what they want in love and sex

  • optimize qualities they wish to be valued for in dating

  • behave resiliently and honorably in the face of difficult dating experiences such as rejection or betrayal

  • navigate relationship challenges including poor communication, insecurities and boredom

Dr. Maxwell also helps men to seek, build and maintain satisfying relationships with family members and friends.


Striving and mastering

Although most people want to excel in what they love, it is not unusual for men to feel in some part defined or measured by their status and competency in others’ eyes. Dr. Maxwell helps men to:

  • understand which values motivate their actions in life and at work

  • develop actionable goals for moving toward success in work, hobbies and other activities

  • chart a course for the future based on their personal circumstances, aptitudes and goals

  • pursue balance between work and life to maximize fulfillment

“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”

— Marcus Aurelius